The Flashcard Hero Blog

App news, updates and study tips.

Share flashcards online with the new Flashcard Hero update

The biggest new feature in version 1.3 of Flashcard Hero is the ability to share flashcards with your friends online.

In the top right corner you will notice a new "share" icon to upload your cards to the web and to see everything you have shared so far.

Each shared deck gets a unique link, like this one, that you can share with others.

Here is an example of what it looks like in your browser:

Downloading a shared deck back into the app is also pretty straight forward. Click on the green "Study with Flashcard Hero" button: the app opens and begins downloading automatically.

Other download formats are also available. You can, for example, download all cards as tab-separated text files (without images & formatting) or you can view the cards as printable notes.

As usual, you can install the update from the Mac App Store:

Mac App Store